Director: Deborah Ploof, 3965 Crown Point Road, Bridport, VT 05734
Tel: 802-989-3237; Email: [email protected]
Welcome to the Community Service section of the program book. I look forward to reading your reports and what you have done for Community Service in your area of Vermont. Every Vermont community is different, and Grangers can WORK in Our Communities in many ways. National and State Grange do not dictate what community service projects you decide to do. That decision is up to your Grange. No two communities are exactly alike AND your community encompasses the entire area from which your Grange members come from, not just where the Grange Hall or meeting place is located. What I am doing as Community Service Director, is making suggestions and asking that you document your efforts so it can be recognized at State and National level.
Before starting any projects this year, please read through all the material carefully to understand the requirements. For Vermont to qualify to receive $250 in prize money from the National Grange, a percentage of Grange Community Service Reports need to be received. A separate notebook, along with the National Report Forms needs to be prepared to qualify for National judging. If you don't want to do a separate notebook, please fill out the National and/or State forms with supporting information. Please mail your notebook or report to by July 10, 2024, to Community Service Director (see above) or deliver it to Family Camp 2024 by noon on Saturday.
The following are lists of Community Service projects suggested by National and State Granges with resources.
National Grange Community Service Projects
Vermont Community Service Projects
Ø Be sure to record the amount of donation or list of items donated so it can be totaled for Vermont State Records.
Where to donate
Comfort Pillows;
Adult Clothing protectors;
lapghans, lap quilts, bed quilts; Wheelchair and Walker bags;
Hats, Mittens, Scarves
Hospice, hospitals, Senior Citizen Living, Rehab Centers, homeless shelters, nursing homes, veterans’ home, schools, military, just to name a few.
Scarves and Hats for Soldiers - Website:
· Your scarves need to measure no wider than 4 to 5 inches and be no longer than 48 to 50 inches. If you are making hats, please do not put a pom-pom on top.
Bring your scarves and hats for Soldiers to the October 2024 State Grange Session and we will mail them out in one BIG donation!
Community Service section of State Grange Scrapbook
Judging of the the National Community Service Annual Report Form at State level
Please review the following sections before putting your notebook together.
Director: Deborah Ploof, 3965 Crown Point Road, Bridport, VT 05734
Tel: 802-989-3237; Email: [email protected]
Welcome to the Community Service section of the program book. I look forward to reading your reports and what you have done for Community Service in your area of Vermont. Every Vermont community is different, and Grangers can WORK in Our Communities in many ways. National and State Grange do not dictate what community service projects you decide to do. That decision is up to your Grange. No two communities are exactly alike AND your community encompasses the entire area from which your Grange members come from, not just where the Grange Hall or meeting place is located. What I am doing as Community Service Director, is making suggestions and asking that you document your efforts so it can be recognized at State and National level.
Before starting any projects this year, please read through all the material carefully to understand the requirements. For Vermont to qualify to receive $250 in prize money from the National Grange, a percentage of Grange Community Service Reports need to be received. A separate notebook, along with the National Report Forms needs to be prepared to qualify for National judging. If you don't want to do a separate notebook, please fill out the National and/or State forms with supporting information. Please mail your notebook or report to by July 10, 2024, to Community Service Director (see above) or deliver it to Family Camp 2024 by noon on Saturday.
The following are lists of Community Service projects suggested by National and State Granges with resources.
National Grange Community Service Projects
- Words for Thirds - Dictionaries are purchased and given to all Third Graders in a school or schools. They may be ordered online from
- www.
- by phone: 843-856-2706 or 843-388-8375
- Email: [email protected].
- Every student deserves a dictionary to help them be more successful in life.
- Consider helping another Subordinate Grange with their Dictionaries.
- Volunteer Hours - Everyone please remember to keep track of your volunteer hours. We all volunteer. Remember when you drove the neighbor to the doctor, or you read a book at the school library? There is a form included in this book, please copy. An award will be given for the most hours. Please note the name of the person with the most hours on your Grange’s Report Form.
- Honor Local Firefighter-EMS, Law Enforcement Officer or Teacher - The National Grange and the Northeast Regional Community Service Departments have a recognition program for local Fireman/Law Enforcement /Teachers. You honor a local Firefighter-EMS, Law Enforcement or Teacher. That person’s name and form is forwarded to the Community Service Director. Complete the form on page 26 and include photos. The Statewide Winner will be submitted to the National Grange for competition.
- Community Service Award
- A Pomona or Subordinate Grange can award a Community Service award to any person, Granger or non-Granger, the members feel has served their community and impacted the lives of others.
- Contact State Grange Secretary to obtain Community Citizen Award Certificate.
- Socks, Hats, and Mittens for National Session in Niagara Falls, November 2023
- Please bring socks to the VSG Session and to any other state sponsored event and I will have a collection bin for them. Log them in! For items collected after state session, they will go to homeless shelters in Vermont.
- Award for Community Grange donating the most items.
- The Wib and June Justi award is sponsored by the National Grange Community Service Department in conjunction with the National Grange Youth Department.
- This award is for a Grange Youth who does outstanding community service work in and out of the Grange. This is not a Youth of the Year award but only for the nominee’s community service work. The winner will be recognized at NG session and their name will be added to the permanent plaque hanging in NG Headquarters.
- To nominate a Youth, contact the Community Service or Youth Director.
- Quilts of Valor - Website:
- A quilt too much? How about making a Quilt Block or 2? For free pattern and more information go to:
Vermont Community Service Projects
- Ronald McDonald House or David’s House – The Committee has decided to continue taking donations and/or doing a fund raiser (if possible) for the Ronald McDonald House or David’s House.
- Ronald McDonald House Charities of Burlington, Vermont, is a “home away from home” for families with seriously ill children seeking treatment at the University of Vermont Children’s Hospital. It is their aim to be a refuge for families experiencing the stress and anguish of their loved one’s illness. Whether for a short stay, or for weeks at a time, they provide families with the comforts of home as well as the support of their dedicated staff and volunteers.
- Website:
- Check out their wish list! They accept more than money!
- Send check directly to RMHC, 16 So Winooski Ave Burlington, VT 05401.
- David’s House is in Lebanon, New Hampshire Built so that families can remain together when it is most crucial, David’s House provides a home-away-from-home and support for families with children receiving treatment through the Children’s Hospital at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center.
- Website:
- Check out their wish list! They accept more than money!
Ø Be sure to record the amount of donation or list of items donated so it can be totaled for Vermont State Records.
- Sending Thoughtful Cards - Write cards to Seniors in facilities and military personnel at holiday time, and it doesn’t have to be just Christmas. Thanksgiving is a lonely time for shut-ins. Don’t put a name on the envelope but sign the card inside with your Grange Name.
- Check with facilities on number of residents and send cards at Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas, for example. Same with military.
- Empty Plate Project - This gives Grangers an opportunity to help those less fortunate. Granges will collect non-perishable food items or have special fundraisers to help fill an imaginary EMPTY PLATE. Donated to Soup Kitchens, Shelters, Food Shelves, Neighbors, Food Baskets, or where there is a need. Food collected and donated should be reported in pounds or by item. Please complete the report form and include it in your National Report Notebook (or State notebook if not doing a National one.)
- Sewing, Knitting, Crocheting – Many items can be made by our talented Grange members to donate. Here are a few suggestions. If you need patterns, let me know.
Where to donate
Comfort Pillows;
Adult Clothing protectors;
lapghans, lap quilts, bed quilts; Wheelchair and Walker bags;
Hats, Mittens, Scarves
Hospice, hospitals, Senior Citizen Living, Rehab Centers, homeless shelters, nursing homes, veterans’ home, schools, military, just to name a few.
Scarves and Hats for Soldiers - Website:
- Scarves and Hats for Soldiers - Website:
- There is no specific pattern required but keep your pattern simple. No bulky stitches or yarns.
· Your scarves need to measure no wider than 4 to 5 inches and be no longer than 48 to 50 inches. If you are making hats, please do not put a pom-pom on top.
Bring your scarves and hats for Soldiers to the October 2024 State Grange Session and we will mail them out in one BIG donation!
Community Service section of State Grange Scrapbook
- Put in your Subordinate or Pomona Annual report forms.
- Empty Plate Report Form
- National Grange FF-EMS/LEO/Teacher of the Year Award
- Volunteer Hours log sheets
- Do NOT include Subordinate and Pomona Annual Report forms in your National Community Service notebook or Volunteer Hours log sheets in National Book.
- Any projects in the National book will be reviewed and credit earned for scoring on State Annual Report Forms.
Judging of the the National Community Service Annual Report Form at State level
Please review the following sections before putting your notebook together.
- Community Need 30 points.
- How has the community been impacted by your project?
- How many people benefited from your project?
- How did you hear about this project?
- Why did you choose this project?
- Submit proof: Thank you letters, letters of acknowledgement from organizations, etc.
- Program Plan 10 points
- Describe how the plan was organized and by whom.
- Describe how project was advertised. (Such as enlisting workers, work Schedule, financing, public meetings, etc.)
- Submit proof: Flyers, newspaper ads, articles, etc.
- Cooperation Achieved 15 points.
- Describe who was involved (whether it was all Grangers or if you worked in cooperation with other organizations; be sure to discuss in detail the role of the other organizations involved and why you chose to work with this group.)
- Be sure to give an accurate account of everyone involved.
- Submit proof: photos, letters, etc.
- Presentation of Final Report 15 points
- Neatness – How well organized is your notebook, is it easy to follow along? Content – did you cover all the areas requested with enough details? Quality of pictures and publicity items submitted. Please be sure to include a table of contents at beginning of book and a write up for each project that is listed on the table of contents with photos, newspaper articles, advertisements, etc.
- Activity Summary Report 10 points
- Ensuring that your Activity Summary Report form is included in your notebook. The more comprehensive the form is filled out the more points attained.
- Use Hints (below) as a reference for completing your book.
- Overstuffing -10 points (Minus 10 points)
- Filling your book with excessive photos for any of the events. (For example: cleaning ones’ own Grange, repairs to same Grange are not considered Community Service.
- Front Cover of Book - Picture of Grange Hall or Activity complete with Grange # and Name
- Place the National Community Service Annual Report Form as the first page of your notebook.
- Next – Table of Contents
- Next – Activity Summary Report.
- Next – Information about your Grange and the community you serve.
- Next - For the rest of the book, please use labeled tab/dividers for each project and relate it back to Activity Summary and/or Table of Contents.
- One section for each project and should contain an explanation about the specifics on that project. Copy Community Service Project Report Form as many times as necessary to document your projects.
- Limit pages to no more than 4 (front and back) for larger projects and 2 (front and back) for smaller projects
- Include 2 or 3 photos that demonstrate members (non-members if applicable) participation and items collected. If it is a cleanup type of project before and after photos are great.
- 1 or 2 Thank You cards/letters for an event.
- Include any newspaper article or flyer about the event.
- When holding a fundraiser dinner/event it is important to include where the monies were donated.
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